Renta 2021- the time has almost arrived !

The Spanish Tax Office (Agencia Tributaria) online filing system for the annual residents’ income tax returns (Renta) for the tax year 2021 is due to open on 6th April.

In order to file, you need to obtain a reference number for online filing, which can be done by clicking on this link on the Agencia Tributaria website. You can access this with a Digital Certificate if you have one or by supplying the details on your residence card.

Last year we found with several clients that the system, due to programming errors, was not recognising details from their residence cards. If this is the case for you please let us know and we will suggest ways for you to resolve the situation such as giving you instructions to obtain a Digital Certificate.

Residents of Spain are taxable on their worldwide income, according to the provisions of the tax treaty between Spain and the country in which the income arises. If any of your income is taxable in both Spain and the country of source, then you can claim the corresponding international double tax credit in your Renta.

As Agencia Tributaria inspections, especially for foreign residents, are getting more common nowadays, you should ensure that you keep documental proof of foreign income and foreign tax paid for 5 years.

The very last possible date of filing is 30th June, but if you have tax due then you should file your Renta by 23rd June so you can pay the tax by direct debit and not have to go in person to your bank.

If you need help in preparing and filing your Renta for the tax year 2021 then we will be happy to assist you. Our website is and our contact page here.