Your residence status will affect where you are liable to pay tax on your worldwide income and wealth.
Continue reading “French tax residency—when you need to pay tax in France”Brexit: changes in tax for non-resident property owners in Spain
We have now entered the final quarter of 2020 and the end of the Brexit transition period is fast approaching. From the 1st of January 2021, the UK will no longer benefit from being an EU member state, and UK-resident owners of property in Spain will be affected with increased tax implications.
Continue reading “Brexit: changes in tax for non-resident property owners in Spain”Tax on Rental Income: Non-Residents in France
Non-residents are taxable on their French source income only. As a non-resident owner of property in France, you will be liable to pay income tax on your rental earnings. There is no lower threshold, therefore you would be obliged to file a Déclaration des Revenus to report any rental income on an annual basis- returns are filed in April/May of the following year.
Continue reading “Tax on Rental Income: Non-Residents in France”French VAT registration for foreign companies
French VAT is called ‘Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée’, or ‘TVA’, and foreign companies providing taxable supplies of goods or services in France are required to obtain a French VAT number. If your company is registered in the EU and needs to register for VAT in France, including obtaining an EU Intracommunity number, the process is reasonably straightforward.
Continue reading “French VAT registration for foreign companies”Autónomo Tax Obligations: Returns and Deadlines
All autónomos are required to file quarterly and annual income tax returns. This guide will outline the filing obligations and deadlines in Spain.
Continue reading “Autónomo Tax Obligations: Returns and Deadlines”How to claim expenses if you work from home as Autónomo
If you are registered as self-employed in Spain and, use a room in your home as an office, you may be entitled to claim certain costs as an expense on your tax returns.
Continue reading “How to claim expenses if you work from home as Autónomo”Registering as an Autónomo / Self-employed in Spain
If you are living in Spain and wish to register as self-employed or start your own small business, you need to register as autónomo. The registration process is relatively straightforward and can be completed online.
Continue reading “Registering as an Autónomo / Self-employed in Spain”Tax guide for Non-resident owners of Spanish Property
All non-residents with Spanish property are obliged to submit quarterly and/or annual returns.
Continue reading “Tax guide for Non-resident owners of Spanish Property”What is the Valor Catastral of my Spanish property?
Spanish VAT for foreign companies
Foreign companies wishing to offer their services or goods here in Spain are generally required to register for Spanish VAT here: known as IVA (Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido).
Continue reading “Spanish VAT for foreign companies”