Obtaining a Digital Certificate in Spain- very useful !

Spain’s famously difficult bureaucracy still exists, but if you have a Digital Certificate your stress levels will be cut down a lot by not having to deal with those bureaucrats face to face !

With a Digital Certificate, many of the formal proceedings that you need to carry out with the Tax Office, Social Security office and local authorities can now be done online, without the necessity to go into their office.

For an individual resident in Spain, it is quite an easy process to obtain a standard 2 year Digital Certificate issue by the official emitter, FNMT. The Tax Office, Agencia Tributaria, acts as an agent for the FNMT and you can book an appointment online to go there to accredit your identity. Normally you won’t need to wait too long for an appointment but it could be longer during busy periods such as just before the annual residents’ tax declaration (Renta) is due in June. So it is best to plan in advance if you can.

We have prepared a detailed guide on how to obtain a Digital Certificate for Spanish residents. Please contact us at admin@europeaccountants.com and we will be delighted to send you one free of charge,

For non-resident companies who have business in Spain without a permanent establishment (for instance VATable sales in Spain) then it is also very useful to be able to obtain a Spanish Digital Certificate. We will be covering this in further detail very soon in our next blog post.

For further information and assistance, feel free to drop by at our web page www.spainaccountants.com .