- Go to the FNMT website at the following link: https://www.sede.fnmt.gob.es/certificados/persona-fisica/obtener-certificado-software/solicitar-certificado
- Click on Configuración previa. To request the certificate it is necessary to install the software indicated in this section.
- Download and install FNMT Configurator by clicking on “Área de Descarga de Configurador FNMT”, at the bottom of the page. Select the option according to your operating system, download and install it. The software will run when the browser requires it.
- Go back to https://www.sede.fnmt.gob.es/certificados/persona-fisica/obtener-certificado-software/solicitar-certificado and enter the personal details requested (NIE/NIF, first surname, e-mail).
- Click on “Pulse aquí para consultar y aceptar las condiciones de expedición del certificado”, scroll down to the bottom, check the box “Acepto las condiciones de expedición”, then click on “Enviar petición”.
- Write down or print the application code (código de solicitud) provided by the web. You must take this along to the Tax Office appointment.
- Make an appointment to visit your local Agencia Tributaria:
Enter your NIE;
Enter your first name, surname.
Click on “Siguiente”.
Select the button “Otras gestiones”; Identificación Electronica; Certificado Electronico FNMT.
Click on “Siguiente”.
In “Dónde ir” Enter your postcode or province;
Select a date and time for the appointment and click on “Confirmar Cita”
Enter your phone number and email twice and click on “Confirmar”.
- When you go along to the appointment, take your passport and NIE (and a copy of both just in case), and the application code obtained in (6) above.
Check in and get a ticket from the machine. If the machine asks you to choose a procedure it will be something like “Acreditación Certificado Digital FNMT Personas Físicas”. The Tax Office employee will activate your digital certificate.
- Approximately 1 hour later you can download your Digital Certificate. Go to https://www.sede.fnmt.gob.es/certificados/persona-fisica/obtener-certificado-software/descargar-certificado and enter the details requested (NIE/NIF, surname, and Código de Solicitud).
- Before downloading your Digital Certificate, you must accept the conditions of use of the certificate by clicking on “Pulse aquí para consultar y aceptar las condiciones de uso del certificado”, scroll down to the bottom, check the box “Acepto los términos y condiciones de uso”, then click on “Descargar Certificado”.
- The key generator application will ask you to enter a password and will ask you if you want to make a backup (recommended). Once the copy is made (only if you have marked “Si”), the certificate will be installed.
- If in the process of downloading the certificate you did not make a backup because you checked “No”, it is recommended that you access the certificate store of your browser and make a backup (export). You will need this if you need to recover your certificate at any time or use it on another computer. If you do not have this, the only alternative will be to request a new certificate.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on admin@europeaccountants.com or to visit our website www.spainaccountants.com .