French Income and Wealth Tax returns
Tax year 1st January – 31st December 2017
Income Tax (Impôt sur le Revenu)
Both residents of France and non-residents with French property or income are obliged to submit an annual income tax return.
The French tax year is equal to the calendar year. The presentation deadlines are as follows:
Manual returns: 17th May.
Returns filed by internet: 22nd May.
Our charge for the preparation and submission of the returns for a single property, is 145 Euros plus VAT. For manual filing, an additional 10 Euros is added to cover postal charges.
For manual returns, the deadline is 18th May. An extension is given for returns filed by internet, as follows:
22nd May: Départements 01 to 19;
29th May: Départements 20 to 49; 5th June: Départements 50 to 974.
Our charges before VAT are 185 Euros for a single return, and 240 Euros for a family return. For manual filing, an additional 10 Euros is added to cover postal charges.
If you would like us to prepare and file your tax returns, please complete our attached tax questionnaire and return to us by e-mail.
For residents, the questionnaire is in spreadsheet format. If you do not have Excel, there are very good free equivalents available such as Open Office- download at .
The questionnaire for non-residents is in PDF format, which can be opened and edited in Adobe Reader.
Returns can be submitted from the following dates:
Online filing: 10th April
Manual filing: The returns should be released in the first week of May.
After we file your Tax Return, the Tax Office will calculate the tax due and send you a payment notice, avis d’imposition. The date of issue is by late September. In the event that tax is payable the payment notice will include a payment slip for you send to the Tax Office along with a cheque. Online payment options and direct debit are also available.
Wealth Tax (Impôt de solidarité sur la fortune)
Residents of France are subject to Wealth Tax on their worldwide net assets, although there are now exemptions available for the first five years of residence, please contact us for details.
Non-residents only pay Wealth Tax on their French net assets.
Eligible assets include property; cash in deposit accounts and other financial investments. Business assets are generally exempt.
You need to declare if your taxable net assets are over € 1,300,000. The deadlines are the same as for income tax returns.
Wealth Tax is now declared as part of the income tax declaration (2042C). Our charges to include Wealth Tax in your return will depend on the amount of work involved, please contact us for a quotation.
For further details on our services, please visit our website or contact us at .