This is our second post of today on a recent development in our services,
We have recently registered as an online service provider for small business clients (PAE = Punto de Atención al Emprendedor).
This means that we are now able to offer certain services online, i.e. without the need to use a local gestoria to physically go into the relevant government office to complete the client´s procedures. This means that we can reduce the cost to our clients which is always going to be welcome !
The government system for this is called CIRCE (Centro de Información y Red de Creación de Empresas) and we will use it for the following:
Autonomo Social Security registration
Using the CIRCE system, we can register our clients for autonomo Social Security online, which using the regular Social Security system is only possible in the client has their own Tax Office digital certificate. Not having to physically go into the Administration Offices to register clearly saves on time and stress for all involved.
If you would like any help with registering as an autonomo in Spain then we will be happy to assist ! You will find further details on our website .