This is not going to be welcome news for non-resident owners of French property who have rental income, or more specifically those who make a profit. Social Charges, which are known as Contributions Sociales or Prélèvements Sociaux, are to be reintroduced for the tax year 2015 onwards.
Continue reading “The Empire Strikes Back- Social Charges to be reintroduced for non-residents !”Modelo 720- Declaration of Foreign Assets- technical details
Further to our general blog post of earlier today, here is some more technical guidance on the return.
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Modelo 720- Declaration of foreign assets – update
We have already reached the third year that Modelo 720, the declaration of foreign assets, has been with us. Judging by the lack on any further information posted on the website of the Agencia Tributaria since last year, nothing has changed in the rules.
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Andalucia gets tough on holiday rentals
Over the last few days the Junta de Andalucia has signalled new legislation that will have a massive effect on owners of Spanish property who rent it out.
Changes in Spanish tax for the year 2016
2016 is the second half of a two-year tax project which was published last year, so there are no surprises from a tax point of view. In this post we am looking at the rates for the year 2016. The tax rates have decreased further this year.
Filing of the 2015 income tax returns – Renta
The Agencia Tributaria has now published their calendar for the year 2016. The key dates for filing the 2015 income tax declarations- La Renta, are as follows:
Continue reading “Filing of the 2015 income tax returns – Renta”