Non-residents with French rental income- which tax returns to file ?

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The time for filing the 2014 annual French tax returns (i.e. for the year 2013) is approaching !

Here’s a guide which should help you decide which tax regime you should use to declare your rental income and which forms need to be completed.

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Modelo 720- Declaration of Foreign Assets (Declaración informativa sobre bienes y derechos situados en el extranjero).

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”.

Benjamin Franklin, 1789

Even Benjamin Franklin could never have forseen Modelo 720,  this unpopular, perplexing and even frightening tax declaration that has been in force in Spain for a year now.

Continue reading “Modelo 720- Declaration of Foreign Assets (Declaración informativa sobre bienes y derechos situados en el extranjero).”